

I like to draw and post it here once every year XD

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*takes in a deep breathe* I"m back and getting ready to post some more drawings up on my Twiteer ^-^
I'm still getting used to the new Computer [Laptop] so the post might get a bit less umm... consistent... so here is something that I tested out on drawing something new >~<"

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Forgot to post it here after I had finished the drawing... and also a bit of a close up on the eye cause I used a bit of a different technique... but here you go Twitter

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tried out drawing it on a person's head... gonna work on it straight away but i need to eat before going 6 feet under XP

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ended up playing around with the pen pixels and made a random drawing and this is how it came out... so far I love it... [gonna keep it as well >:D]

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IDK why I drew this for 2 days straight...

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just finished on drawing this... feels great to be done with this drawing cause i can go to another project now ^-^"

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i think it came out... ok

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still trying to find out on how good it looks with these new techniques but... other than that I guess I'll go back to YouTube on where I should be

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trying out some other thins to make the drawing look more edited 🤔

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i'm just going to be posting these to just prove that i am still alive somewhat still healthy and breathing ^-^"
[and also sorry for going quiet for such a long time but i'll try my best to change in 2019]

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