

#1 GGST hater.

Tobi Six: youtube.com/@tobisix?si=Vy…

Making music is what makes me happy

フォロー数:290 フォロワー数:127

You meanie, was it amazing 💔💔

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So I'm back and I have something to tease on what I'm working on with Ep coming sometime this year!!!

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Well big sis I might be taller than you.... But your so adorable and innocent, you couldn't hurt a fly 💜💙

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This amazing piece of art is done by Chanppu on Fiverr! 💜💜💙💙 Love you big sis hope you like it, also Happy Halloween everyone!

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I know it hard but stay strong! I know you got this I'm here if you need me Alex

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I have 3 bags of candy corn soo that should be your answer big sis

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This so cute definitely recommend this artist on Fiverr kairikazu
Also thank you 💜💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤

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This amazing art is fucking amazing!
If your wondering who did this amazing piece you can find her on Fiverr: ninameshaka 💜🖤

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