

| I like Xenoblade | Mythra & Nia | 🔞 | SFW: @Kyupo_ |

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:1876

Friend of mine asked me to draw a random flat for an example for something, and I ended up doodling a couple of random floppiness bits.
I dunno why, but drawing this stuff is just really fun for me.
I ended up cleaning it up a bit and making it Maddie themed because why not?

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Well, since I'm already putting lewds from someone else on your timeline, might as do it myself as well.
I doodled this late one night when I couldn't sleep shortly after finishing Casey's design.
He's been fun to draw.

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So about that upload from yesterday
The friend who got that commission said I could upload this alternate version that they also asked for d:
So here's that

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A friend commissioned me to redraw some old flat I did when I was first getting into this whole flattening thing.
It's nice to see how much I've improved overall d:

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Despite the fact that I forget this exists a lot of the time, it's still probably one of my favorite drawings.
..For whatever reason.

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I like drawing Mario related stuff

That being said, Maddie figured out the hard way that fighting the Whomp King is harder when done by yourself

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This is technically nothing different from what I usually draw if you really think about it 🤔

But yeah, this is just something I actually enjoy more than flattenings, I just never draw it
Though I've always wanted to get better at this type of thing

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A drawing a few months old I'm just getting around to uploading

You haven't seen these 3 in any TFs in a while d:

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I'm bumping this with an (Slightly) alternate version

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Looking through my old stuff, I always seem forget that I've done this Toon Zelda flat

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