

The quartermaster is in! Art WIPs + personal garbage. *Sometimes NSFW. 中文OK // 日本語が下手です。Art @ kyuu-doodles.tumblr.com

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:199

oh speaking of art I never shared this here huh ... anchan sketch I did during the new year event

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I made a (hopefully) informative little thing for those of you just joining us ☺️

4 17

I miss them a lot !!!!!

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iirc this was the last convo I had with them before everything went down in episode 5 so I imagine this is why they were suddenly gone for so long sdjfkslfdj let them sleep !!!

4 14

The hacker from but as an actual monster/cryptid :^) love this dude & can't wait for the plot to unfold even more

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