🌟Dex Hexallion's Composer🌟
🌟Motion Graphic/VFX Animation🌟
🌟Graphic Design🌟

Discord : Kazami Shintaro#4304

フォロー数:1085 フォロワー数:327


Yacchie chillin with boba!

Request by ~

Do ask for requests~ I'll do when im out of music ideas. uwu;;

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Which is because you have invited me in.

One hour, ago.

Second, the cup never left your premises.
How do we be taking things that never left where its from?

Oh Sanae..Also, why you turned my master into this thing cat thing?

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O-oh by the magus book, Master that's not what I mean't by natural..

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Ah, its the time? Sorry, I was having alot of things to do amidst the Christmas, so its a belated-mid cheer. *

To those who are still on the time to catch the day, or in the middle, or past, I wish you all a good one.
We are nearly ending of this year, as well. (1/2)

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The one and only, Koakuma <3

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Ohayohayo, ya'll.

Empty wallet hours ahead

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