Name: Orson Lee
Species: Moth
Age: 29
Likes: Science, robotics, given credit, gaming and his wife.
Dislikes: His job, being cold, his colleagues and being called an Xbox.
Name: Lizzie (redacted)
Species: Rabbit
Age: 20
Likes: Robotics, inventing, exercising, peace and quiet.
Dislikes: Being alone, talking too much and getting wet.
Name: Lazy (redacted)
Species: Rabbit
Age: 20
Likes: Sour Cream, being a goof, chilling, running and practicing pyrokinesis.
Dislikes: Swimming, obnoxiously loud people and Sonic Heroes.
Name: Saphirre Zatarra
Species: Alien Flower
Age: 18
Likes: Being sneaky, training in her dojo, reading and parkour.
Dislikes: Ruby’s loud nature, being spotted and getting wet.
Name: Mac C. Headbranches
Species: Maractus
Age: 48
Likes: Deserts, his shotgun, his banjo and living alone.
Dislikes: His sister, kids on his lawn, snow and having his banjo broken.
Name: Ferna R. Bloomsday
Species: Vampire Flower
Age: 5,000+
Likes: Chaos, Destruction, murder, blood and muffins.
Dislikes: Moxie, her good side, losing and sunlight.
Name: Ferna R. Bliss
Species: Vampire Flower
Age: 5,000+
Likes: Tailoring, playing the accordion, singing and reading.
Dislikes: Her evil side, seeing her daughter getting hurt and sunlight.