Last Exit To Nowhereさんのプロフィール画像

Last Exit To Nowhereさんのイラストまとめ

“The most consistently inventive T-shirt shop out there, our first port of call for all subtly movie-centric gear.” - Empire

フォロー数:17784 フォロワー数:38259

Revisited the 1992 film, 'Candyman' this afternoon in preparation for the 2021 sequel. What film would you like to see a sequel to? - Mike

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Following on from Mike's post earlier, it's still criminal that del Toro's version of 'At The Mountains of Madness' was never made. However, Richard Coyle's reading of it remains one of the spookiest audio books I've ever heard. Track it down if you can.
- Jamie

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Episode 1 of 'What If...?' did not disappoint. The whole family enjoyed it and I loved the little feeling of 'Hellboy' I got from it too.
I'd be more than happy to hear that a live action 'Captain Carter' movie was green lit.
- Jamie

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The late, great neo-futurist concept artist, Syd Mead was born on this day in 1933. He was best known to me for his designs for science-fiction films such as Blade Runner, Aliens and Tron. - Mike

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On this day in 1996, Alien ships destroyed multiple cities around the world. - Mike.

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Superman was released in Japan on this day in 1979. To obtain the musculature to convincingly play Superman, Christopher Reeve underwent a bodybuilding regime supervised by David Prowse. - Mike.

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Food for five years, a thousand gallons of gas, air filtration, water filtration, Geiger counter. Bomb shelter! Underground... God damn monsters.

Tremors was released in the UK on this day in 1990. - Mike

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On this day in 2012, the Yellowstone Caldera erupts, California sinks into the Pacific and the worlds Poles begin to shift.
- Jamie

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James Gunn has spoken to the powers that be at Marvel and DC about the possibility of a cross-over movie. While the chances of it ever happening are remote, my little nerd heart would love to see the Avengers meet the Justice League.
- Jamie

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Get ready for a surprise!
'Total Recall' was released across the US 31 years ago today.
See you at the party Richter!
- Jamie

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