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To help you guys on who is who: 1st is Blitzy, 2nd is Chip, and 3rd is Toon Rift me.
*FYI, TR me is technically me irl.*
@YEE_HAWK Here’s also Chip! His halo and tail glow white so you probably can’t see them there. Isn’t he cute? X3
@YEE_HAWK @lunarinyx This is Blitzy! She’s a light/shadow Sprite from the world, Emera. Practices magic, pulls pranks, drinks soda, and is convenient in finding important things/places such as the Toon Rift. She also has two bio moms and a baby brother named Chip! She’s also the mascot of my works.
@milkystar64 I know Warriors is STARTING to release merch but where’s the love for my girl Squirrelflight?! Art by @Blixemi
You wanted him first. So, ladies and germs, I give you..... *drumroll* Chip! Blitzy's adorable baby brother of 130 human years! Yeah, Lucinda and Alaria waited for THAT long to have another kid.