

||Artist, Streamer||

I'm an Illustration Student in an Art University in Germany.

フォロー数:172 フォロワー数:88
# mlpfim

Lala: ''look at the little guy I found'' uwu

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I love them so much there so cute UwU

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here you go hope you like it 🌺😊🌺

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1. I started at the age of 6 to draw an a PC and why i got into drawing is because I loved watching and drew alot of it as a kid (still do) but sadly i don't have my fisrt ever art but i can give you some of my old mlp art.

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somthing i have been working on. I'm going to be on a school trip from Monday to Friday so I will finish this when I'm back uwu

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I'm going to make a comic uwu
this is going to be the first part 😊🤩

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Just an old picture my oc Lala has her old childhood friends!

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New drawing I made for my brother uwu

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