

Author and illustrator known for humorous tales: Simon Snootle, A Boy Born from Mold, etc., and the Gothic Western comedy series The Goodbye Family. (no dm)

フォロー数:4839 フォロワー数:5069

Here’s a teaser of the latest episode of The Goodbye Family: The Animated Series! Watch it now on Youtube at: https://t.co/JTg4Ag7Bv5 or now on Amazon Prime Video!

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Ms. A. E. Griere, photograph from the Case for Spirit Photography, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, circa 1922, colorized by Lorin Morgan-Richards.

Griere said likeness of her passed husband and father came through.

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Apache cowboy, circa 1904, photograph by Edward Curtis, colorization by Western author and illustrator Lorin Morgan-Richards.

IG chards

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Out now - The Goodbye Family Jewels by Lorin Morgan-Richards, a best of volume of the first 10 comic collections:

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