LordNeptune8 Your Local Undead Deadkiller!さんのプロフィール画像

LordNeptune8 Your Local Undead Deadkiller!さんのイラストまとめ

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and Pastries alike, I am an UndeadPanda that loves to fight yell and challenge himself in streams
GirlFriend: faithlessDreams

フォロー数:1341 フォロワー数:222

Rose tagged me so here yah go! Zomb-Pup!

Picrewの「kemono maker⋈」でつくったよ! https://t.co/sUnhudKSpH

I wanna throw at it!

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I had mine done when I had longer hair!, so the hair at the time was matching, I do have the cat! the only difference really is undead/Panda besides that I have facial hair, and I feel like When I stream the personality you get is who I really am and not who'd you get in person,

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