

Heyo! I'm Lost (not in direction way) I like to stream on twitch and draw a lot! brain go brr with many hyperfixations

フォロー数:827 フォロワー数:286

(once im done ill tell where each one belongs from)

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sorry this is what comes to mind 1/2

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take ur sona pic ig lmao sorry (also gl in urgent care!

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floorb what do i have to do that we can watch this tonight on the mod cast maybe (i cant dono anything im sorry ;w; but i can draw)

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me trying to figure out how to convince the tubbo mods to let us watch epithet erased on stream cause 70% sure that the tubblings would like it

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:D hope your day is well ashi

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aimsey hear me out- (cant wait for the stream!!)

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me the only one in chat suggestion hiveswap cause look at them PLEASE ITS A CHILL GAME

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