

Full time dog stylist, part time pokemon professor, sliver of time menace. It's me Americas sweet heart. The dragon with the pillows.

フォロー数:166 フォロワー数:75

Spent all day watching movies and being productive. Time to stream with some craftmines and get things rolling in a new world!

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Hello! It Me Again! Going to be playing some spooky for your amusement. Come watch me struggle and cry.

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BloodBorne no item run pt.3 is going to be underway for tonight. Hope we get through some bosses!

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Well it has been a very HOT minute since I have last streamd, what with work and other problems...
BUT WE ARE BACK! Going to be playing a good best game in the worst way possible. Come watch as I cry and get mad over it!

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Welp it's time for another stream. Buddy is in the room and screaming while I get back into the swing of art once again. Come watch as I talk about some D&D and doodle or draw. I don't even know any more!

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Guess we going back to Blasphemous once again! Come join and watch and I cry about all of this bull that is the world of pain.

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Hey, remember those tweets about a game I was going to stream? Well, it is time to play kingdom hearts 2 with our boys and didney.

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ALRIGHT NERDS AND GAMORS! IT IS TIME TO STREAM SOME MORE POINTY HATTED BASTARD! (I know it is Blasphemous, I just forgot how to spell)

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Hey there you nerds! You thought I was done with souls games? JUST KIDDING! BOOM! BLASPHEMOUS IS NEXT!
Come watch me struggle with platforms!

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HEY ENOUGH MUSHY STUFF TIME FOR BLOOD! With during the playthrough of our cult classic game.

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