La Missy / COMMISSIONS OPENさんのプロフィール画像

La Missy / COMMISSIONS OPENさんのイラストまとめ

Missy | Artist/Animator | creator of @APrincessDuty ! | Previously: MissPolycystic | contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:340 フォロワー数:2286

pretty girls need pretty dresses

23 36

okay but what it centipeedle remembered about amethysts torta and got her a new one….let me dream….

9 21

she has the nicest butt on the show

11 25

Rose with Rainbow quartz outfit!

14 15

i was trying to imagine panda having a crush on one of the crystal gems and i just could think of pearl

6 9

what if…human panda….instead of having a dakimakura of a anime girl….had a dakimakura of a ANIME BEAR…..

3 6

remember nyo!italy from hetalia this is her now feel old yet

8 9

actual angel 100% real no fake

11 12