

laguna 🫶 krisguna canon btw they're kissing as we speak

フォロー数:871 フォロワー数:1176

show your favourite genshin ships because I'm curious
(I have only 3 but you can how many you want tbh)

2 14

show your 4 favourite ships and let your mutuals assume what ur concept of romance is
(my concept of romance is just my favourite characters that's it) https://t.co/O7EVsBcuHJ

1 19

I would kill for her

0 3

I would suck the life out of him

0 8

there's also this silly little santa pino 🥳

0 2

throwback to krisguna's wedding, truly an incredible event

4 18

fucking crying they're nothing alike 😭😭 https://t.co/i4E425msfC

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