

contemporary illustrator x sneaker art | d.rip/lahseminit

フォロー数:1907 フォロワー数:7433

Just listed on

"Court Purple"
Reserved 0.5◎ | 12H auction

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The auction for "Chicago" has started!

Thank you for starting the bid. "Chicago" has always been my favourite colourway and I'm very happy you resonate with this piece as well 🤟

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This series was a call back from an experimentation I did before NFTs. Here's the original piece I did back then.

I've been burnt out a lot lately from making art. After revisiting this piece, it inspired me to explore more possibilities with different colours and expressions.

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the weeb is strong in this one

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Thank you for the 50 retweets! Here's a suprise y00ts inspires by Piet Mondrian https://t.co/uoq59uo6K3

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