

Once may have been known as Ayo, Ayoxra and such. This bio will be deleted in a week, which is once I hope everyone knows now.

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:65

Happy bday 🥺 idek how old you’re now but hope u have a wonderful bday❤️

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One unfinished and 2 recent ones 😳 ur art is so godly tho I have to say I love it❤️

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I’m ayo, I draw but don’t post everything I draw and I’m just posting when I think it’s nice & think my followers would also like it. I hope you all have a nice and safe day ❤️💫

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The meme I ripped off of somewhere on the internet (for anyone who can’t read the purple girl is saying “I make 200$ from my commissions!”)

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Me intensely trying to find my reference sheet

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I’m ayo, this is one of my more recent posts and i don’t post a lot but I’m trying to work on that and I keep changing styles to find the most fitting one for me, i also try to support as many artists as I can over twitter hope y’all have a great and safe day 💫❤️

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I’m not proud, just tried a new style and coloring and leaving this here so my account doesn’t die

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Ok but like how do you get that good lightning while taking a photo is it that the Sun is against me?

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Ready to get bullied
This ain’t finished btw nor do I expect to finish it

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Hello I’m Ayo I usually draw on my phone so the things I draw might be looking bad I’m sorry 💞✨

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