

An adult who likes comics, superhero shows and movies. I am a huge fan of Laurel Lance the Black Canary/Siren.

フォロー数:3942 フォロワー数:959

Please give us more of this QUEEN! I love how badass Diana is in this story.

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DC fans need to read Hawkman by to see these lovebirds Carter and Shayera discover about their past lives together and be total badasses.

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I am mind-blown by the first issue of Dark Nights: Death Metal. This Diana is a QUEEN!

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We need more comics, animated movies and series with THIS Trinity from Justice League : Gods and Monsters.

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Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!

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Beth Kane and her sister Kate used to play superheroes in their childhood. Now the adult Alice and are antagonists and Beth isn't a superhero because of what happened to her after she was kidnapped.

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This is heaven for Harley and how happiness looks like for her ❤️💚

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We want the Kane Sisters because the show wouldn't work without them.

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I consider her one of the most important and inspiring female DC superheroes. This piece of fan art by shows the history of Canaries from DCTV and the DCEU. I like the cover art for your novel. I want to see it become a graphic novel like the other DC YA novels.

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