Priscilla Lamontさんのプロフィール画像

Priscilla Lamontさんのイラストまとめ

Childrens book illustrator based in Kent. Staunch remainer, keen walker, anti litter and single use plastic obsessive, ukulele enthusiast!

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:150

Hi Amanda, I gather you're part of . Would they consider endorsing(?) my Hodge Podge Lodge (a rubbish story)?

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article on me appeared yesterday! It's a lovely website isn't it!
it's all about promoting HODGE PODGE LODGE (a rubbish story) Hope you like book and article...

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Happy birthday from me and my 2 replaced NHS hips!
Thank you thank you!

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Finally got around to popping these cards on my poor neglected website!

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Aha just remembered where this was: riviera... a very splodgy !

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Hugely enjoy your radio talks, the litter obsession I share to an extent as I do a lot of walking. my antilitter story HodgePodgeLodge(a rubbish story) will be published this year.Shall be doing some LitterPicks to promote I think

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just inadvertently posted an incredibly dull photo on my very modest instagram 'collection'! really haven't got the knack yet (a delightful gate on Friday's countryside wandering since you ask) so this is to redress the balance of silliness..

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Goodness, just checked how many (free) downloads and my have reached. I think 9.27k is a very respectable total!
Hope are enjoying it, even now it's

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