

Hi there this is Wolfie Star, 29y old male, music fan, Artist, YouTuber reactions,MLP, Wolf fan & Friendship love

フォロー数:529 フォロワー数:767

Good Evening Everyone and here are my first Official Pony Vectors and more are coming !!!! 1/3

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*sight* I am finally home

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This one (became a adopted son of twilight&Flash)

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greetings and good evening everyone i have been starting on getting some continue on this project and yes these are going to be Vectors there are still in progress until i have more time i'll post some more progress on this.......for now i go sleep Good Night Everybody! ^w^

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Greetings everyone I am back home from work

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Ohh dear get some rest and some good Soup stay safe Mr Quill ^w^

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Welp this sucks I only have a hour to stream a game because it's Sunday and my big brother little dochter comes to sleep so yeah no big party game night for this Wolf....... Again gggrr 🥺😟😔
*angry Wolf noises*

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Do not call me adorable again! I am not freaking Bliss

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh I forgot to make dinner

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