

Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of Kur.

D-don't dote on me! I'm not cute!

フォロー数:11 フォロワー数:116

Ereshkigal finds herself backing away from Da Vinci slowly.

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"Gotta make those Bone Cages somehow!"

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Ereshkigal, trying to not cry, embraces Serenity in her arms.

"Its no problem at all."

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"I should be, yes. What of it?"

Ereshkigal smiles.

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"I - I don't spread death! I ... I just help people that do die, that's all...."

Ereshkigal frowns.

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After the initial shock of having Melt lay on her lap, she smiles.

"Sweet dreams."

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"H-hey! Other me.. stop being so l-l-lewd!"

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