

Follow me on twitch Lando_from_the_Bando

フォロー数:91 フォロワー数:53

YOU CAUGHT ME! It was just a little midnight snack I promise!!! <(>///<)>

4 9

We finished magical girl lando~! In the name of the shroom I will punish you! Our magical boxing gloves of the shroom are laced with poison to defeat our enemies!

5 11

She has been practicing

3 11

I cannot get over how much I ADORE this amazing artwork Linny (the love of my LIFE) made for me!!!!! I hope you don't mind me bragging on you THANK YOU AGAIN it's literally the cutest thing ever

3 14

Came to visit me in the Bando! She wasn’t a bug fan of the local clothing! But I think she is a total cutie! (Thank you for the art mimi)

2 6

What flavor would Lando candy be? Mushroom flavor?

1 6