

Heyoo~ Indonesian amateur Artist and Cosplayer . VGEN coms put the source if you're gonna repost my art. 日本語少しできるけど i prefer english…

フォロー数:106 フォロワー数:108

i made it with japanese language one, tho i am not sure if it's correct X'D i can japanese but only a little bit :'D

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i don't know what makes me draw this piece X'DDD
kesamber apa aq gambar ginian :'DDDDD

tapi Erich so wangy wangyyyyy /////// hhhshhhshhhss
Erichnya mata panda soalnya abis begadang XD

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A Crazy Rich Assassin and his Half Android Maid, Erich Von Kampfer and Lilith Mephistopheles at your service!

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