Lara Marsさんのプロフィール画像

Lara Marsさんのイラストまとめ

Comic artists, sometimes animator. I like writing and drawing funny things on the internet. Interests: cats, coffee and defeating artists block 🌈

フォロー数:1100 フォロワー数:303

"You Need To Get Rid Of That Dice Dude!"
What do you do with the dice that roll TERRIBLY?

This comic was released early to my supporters! Also, they get to see the first concept sketches of the comic! Hope to see you there!

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"But are we getting paid?"
Does your main PC really care about gold and riches?

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"How tall are you?" "8 feet?"
What's your main PC's dump stat? (mine is strength lol)

I really really love this comic a whole bunch. Introducing a new character I haven't really drawn before. They don't have a name, as usual!

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"You could say I took 1d8 noodle fire damage... Anyways I'm fine."
What everyday things do you apply D&D stats to?

I am fully healed but I drew this comic on my whiteboard and thought it would be funny to share. Hopefully not too random!

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"Now tell me if this is shenanigans."
When have you made your DM facepalm? 😆

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"Never laugh at your player's shenanigans!"
This is all sarcasm btw xD You should do the opposite! When have you broken your DM in a D&D game?

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"Here I come!"
Does your party try to strategize your spell use in combat?

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"But this NPC is so great already!"
What weird NPCs have you encountered OR created in your D&D games?

Guys thanks for commenting on my comics. Sometimes it's overwhelming how many people respond but I appreciate it so much.

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"Warning: Financial ruin"
How many dice sets do you have?

This is a little different than my usual comics but I really want more dice! I need my dice collection to grow! Currently, my favorite dice set are these metal blue and gold dice.

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"Rolling a natural one..."
Which PC are you??

Here is the version of this comic WITHOUT the typo, hopefully xD

Supporters get to pick my next comics! Link available on request!

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