

🇷🇺🇨🇦 / 20 / ADHD / She/they/her / Creative Writer / Full time How to Train Your Dragon, Wicked and Arcane Timebomb enthusiast

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:472

God they’re so gay. I love them. Also Jinx being flabbergasted is SENDING me!

7 44

Scissor and strap ☺️

11 135

I doubt this is gonna happen, but what if Zaun’s brightest scientists all form an alliance for the war? Ekko abandons the Firelights to go after Jinx, Viktor surives the blast and escapes to the Undercity to find Singed and Warwick and Ekko sides with Jinx and they fall in love.

5 108

Okay, so, Caitlyn and Vi were romantic allies while we got the Timebomb rivalry in season one, correct? What if in season 2, it’s reversed and we get romantic, allied Timebomb and then a Caitvi rivalry?

24 363

🎶And then you say, “I want you for worse or for better. I would wait forever and ever. Broke your heart, I’ll put it back together…”🎶

15 51

“And so I built a bomb! Tonight our school is Vietnam! Let’s guarantee they never see their senior prom! I was meant to be yours. We were meant to be one. Don’t give up on me now. Finish what we’ve begun.”

No but literally it’s them!

2 38

As soon as Vi becomes an enforcer, Jinx is declaring war. (Also, Vi simps, like myself, will go absolutely feral. 🥵)

10 95