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Two excellent pieces by The Jieb.

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Did you not have fucking ears in the mid-2000s or something?

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I fucking hate customizing action figures. I've spent so much time turning this guy into a Spider-Man 2099 and I'm still not done and it'll get scratched up the second I'm finished. Hasbro just make that dman thing so I can pay you $25 for it. RRRRRRRRRR

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Pretty much everything Candlemon can digivolve into is based.

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Post your favorite Digimon and let people assume things about you.

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Screw your four most favorite Pokémon, what’re your four LEAST favorite Pokémon, the ones that fill you with rage and or depression
1. Filler.jpg
2. Introduce Fairy-type, make wizard fox part Psychic
3. Godzilla at home
4. Have fun evolving something with no stats via happiness

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1. TNG Enterprise
2. Red Dwarf
3. Outlaw Star
4. Silver Surfer's board yes it's a spaceship I make the rules here

Honorable mention: Samus' ships

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Not many people are familiar with Maggot and a lot of those who are wish they weren't because he's weird. But I like him.

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