The Last Blue Knightさんのプロフィール画像

The Last Blue Knightさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:403 フォロワー数:151

-Deck of Lee Sin-
The Dragon Students.
Ionians who train with the energy with which the world was formed.

The Horns, the Power, the Tail, the Scales, the Claws, the Eye and the Dragonling.

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Me hubiera gustado que fuera de sett

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The majestic jhin lets his beauty shine with this base.

(Draw your Main)

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Golemon X-Antybody.
most of the rock structure of golemon is exchanged for a polished and sharp stone after obtaining the X-Antibody. In addition to having more metal to maintain their limbs.

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Un digimon Rookie de tipo acuatico que al igual que whamon vive en el fondo del mar comiendo algas.
Su nombre deriva de "ballena pequeña"

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