Laurel Coons 🧬🧬🧬さんのプロフィール画像

Laurel Coons 🧬🧬🧬さんのイラストまとめ

PhD (Duke, NIH) #Genomics #Science #SciComm #viewsmyown

フォロー数:42782 フォロワー数:78057

You’re Totally My Genotype:

💓Your is your entire genetic makeup

💓#Genotyping is determining which DNA variants you possess

💓Important to know your genotype when it comes to because there may be compatibility issues and devastating effects

49 90

Golf Balls, Pebbles, Sand, Beer:

⛳️Without taking care of the golf balls, the important things, you’re not living life to the fullest

⛳️The golf balls come first, the pebbles second, and the rest is just sand

⛳️There is always time to catch up with a friend

⛳️Remember the jar

77 134

How Organs Shift During Pregnancy:

🤰During the ~40 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant

🤰As the fetus grows it occupies more space

🤰The mother is not just expanding outward, her internal organs are also put under a significant amount of pressure

428 759

Restoring Beauty:

🦅Beauty, an American bald eagle, was shot in the head and consequently lost the top half of her beak

🦅Beaks are essential for preening feathers and feeding

🦅Created a prosthetic beak from a nylon-based polymer using printing technology

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👥Illegal in the

👥Methamphetamine has a center and exists as 2 (mirror images of one another)

👥L-methamphetamine is an ingredient in Vicks Vapor Inhalers

👥Its mirror image (D-methamphetamine) is a Class A illegal drug

68 93


🥚Embryos develop inside eggs that are retained within the mother's body until they are ready to hatch

🥚Babies are born inside their own amniotic sac, which they must tear out of in order to take their first breath

🥚Rattlesnakes and boas give birth this way

227 493

95-Year-Old Veteran Shows Little Boy How To Be Brave:

📌A 95-year-old veteran is making waves for a frightened youngster to jump into a pool, by diving in himself

📌#Fear cuts deeper than swords

📌You can, you should, and if you’re enough to start, you will

85 202

Know Your Lab:

🧬Interpretation of genetic test results differs frequently between labs

🧬Study finds that you have a 67% chance that your genetic test results will be interpreted by two different labs

🧬Be proactive


28 33

An Unlikely Delicacy:

🍄The basket

🍄Its cap is covered by a slimy, smelly, sticky substance called the

🍄That’s how flies like it

🍄They’re attracted to the rotten of the spore-containing gleba and inadvertently help the stinkhorn disperse its spores

102 201

Rolling Iceberg:

❄️The force of makes an iceberg roll, causing it to shift from instability to stability

❄️The iceberg will twist in the water until it finds a stable position, with most of its bulk at the bottom

❄️This roll releases


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