


フォロー数:4769 フォロワー数:1227

Except there's a significant physical difference between Kid Goku and Adult Goku
Also he wasn't trying to imitate Araki, but Jojo's 5th part artstyle

0 23

Ah ouai non thefantastic c'est vraiment pas terrible, y'a les sous titres fr ca c'est cool mais a pars ca
jte laisse juger

0 0

Come on now, if you believe this isn't tracing I don't know what to tell you

0 9

Or maybe you should remember the manga a bit more, if for you this isn't a correct embodiement of Toriyama's adult Goku and overhaul style throughout the manga (it's literally referenced from there) then I don't now what to tell you
It looks nothing like his 23rd TB look

7 99

This is the first thing I see, therefore I must point out the chad tastes

1 8