The Bottom Lineさんのプロフィール画像

The Bottom Lineさんのイラストまとめ

Twitter account for my P*treon efforts.

NSFW art.

Lets all have fun and play safe. Remember, no matter whatcha do or where ya go... there ya are.

フォロー数:39 フォロワー数:266





Monday upload! Showing some love to 's character Abigail, who caught my attention for awhile now. She's very cuddly looking and from what I've seen is also an amusingly geeky personality.

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Whoops! I missed the preview last week as I was busy driving back from Minneapolis and the Furry Migration convention. Hope y'all enjoyed the show if you were in attendance. Today's showing is Katie (naturally), and Tatyana, which should come as no big surprise. :D

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Another fun pic with Gloria putting her appeal to powerful use. Is it a talent, or an obligation? What's that phrase... "When ya got it, flaunt it."

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I'm on a roll with Cleo and this one feels so nice since you get both physical appeal along with affection. Stuff like that makes me happy.

Hey, it's the start of a new month! Why not check out the link above and subscribe for a bit?

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More Cleo for this week, and she's as comfy as can be!

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I got too busy to properly post yesterday, so here's Monday's entry uploaded for today!

It pleases me to see so many Cleo pictures lately. Glad to be carrying on the parade!

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Yo, it's Monday and here we've got a happy smile to share with a happy pose and a notable lack of happy trees and happy accidents. Accidents?!?!? NOT ON MY WATCH.

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