

Je suis quelqu'un qui dessine sans arrêt et qui s'invente des histoires. J'aime aussi m'inventer des personnages en fct des jeux vidéos et des histoires.

フォロー数:750 フォロワー数:89

Another drawing of Kicho the cobra (pose 1)💖

Kicho is a cobra who loves to be friends with everyone.💖

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Hello poppy, I'm Suta Okami the wolf

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There Jigoku the wolf! Suta Okami's anti!

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I would like to do it on the cheek! If you agree ! 🤗😘

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It was long ... But the youngest was born. ✨🥰✨

I present to you Kicho la cobra.💗🐍💗

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My shadow goddess ... Shinda
(Sorry I haven't done Sonic style yet.)

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Joyeux anniversaire ... Je t'ai apporté un joli petit cadeau... Un hérisson bleu emballé 🎂🎁🎈🎊🎉🥳

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Good news everyone, I did my second dose of the anti-covid vaccine.
As I say: Here is a good DOSE made 😌😂

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