

Plant main / Game Modder/Developer / Frogs are the best / He / straight / 🇨🇦

I draw sometimes.…

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Not a furry but I'd still like some roasts. :)

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A frogge bip a smol beaste.

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A frogge biþ a smal beaste wiþ foure leggys, whyche liueþ booþ in watyre and on londe. It is broune or grene or yelowe, or be it tropyckal, he may haue dyuers coloures. It haþ longys and guilles booþe. It haccheþ from an ey and it þan ys a tadpolle. It groweþ to ben a frogge, if

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I swear twitter notifies me whenever the word OC is mentioned. Anyways A frogge bip a smol beaste.

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