

LeafySky22, an 18 years, Canadian artist wannabe animator someday, also likes shepherds pie

フォロー数:1790 フォロワー数:14382

some silly stuff i never really posted

13 77

please tell me why i made this

3 60

Drew the leaf in dave style

6 59

The month is nearing the end and I would like all of you to choose your favourite of these top four pieces!!!!

vote below :]

10 70

Literal train moment, no mogus here either B)

these nerds are also cool (follow em too) https://t.co/suoq31mMKJ

7 58

who’s a good funny lookin dragon?

29 143

quick doodle of my friends coffee cup at school

8 78

funny background speedrun (20 minute)

8 55