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#Astronomy #Space #Stargazing

フォロー数:438 フォロワー数:70411

Sometimes you have to get up really high to understand how small you really are. - Felix Baumgartner

26 51

M96 - Double-Barred Spiral Galaxy in Leo
Image: Adam Block

19 58

Sh2-106 - Emission Nebula in Cygnus
The bright star above the center is named IRS 4
Image: Hubble/Subaru

51 124

The famous Helix Nebula in Aquarius
Image: ESO/VISTA/J. Emerson

51 114

M78 - Reflection Nebula in Orion
Image: ESO

55 119

Tonight's Target: Cassiopeia
Hint: Look NW at 8 pm

37 66

Thor's Helmet in Canis Major
Image: Bob and Janice Fera

72 149

These two spiral galaxies are gravitationally embraced in a dance that will last over a hundred million years

82 155

M42 - The Great Orion Nebula
Image: Bill Snyder

68 140