🌊Leeah🌊 || Vgen Comms 🍃さんのプロフィール画像

🌊Leeah🌊 || Vgen Comms 🍃さんのイラストまとめ

Freelancer Artist ||🌊Punishing Gray Raven (Tw/Sea) || 🌹VGEN CM || For business: [email protected]

Alt: @leeahlove143637

フォロー数:483 フォロワー数:385

My taste in men is probably the cool type outside but is actually a cinnamon rolls 💕 (except for Gray. I like him bc we have same personality 🤣)

If you see this, QRT with 4 pics that expose your taste in men https://t.co/jq5mHES2Do

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//pls ignore my rant//
WTF ForAllTime kr server are planning to shut down??? 😭 NOO All my f2p beautiful R, SR, SSR cardddd

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As a mobile player, I now have my respect to Pc player o7 I still don't get used to attack dodge sig with mouse. I really need a lot of practice

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[Oc (this one had nothing to do with Pgr XD]

I suddenly got inspired in the midnight and redesign her. Aaaa she looks CUTE!!! 💞💕

To know more of her lore can refer to link below

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[Commissions Open]
Here are the prices tag! Feel free to support me 👉👈

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