Lennonhead: a Showa era boy with a head full of questionably useful knowledge and a stomach full of noodles. Iyami is my husband. 日本語が話せました 20↑

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:471

another wonderful Vivi!!! 🥺 THANK YOU FOR THE TBH GUMMY WORMS!!! and an absolutely blessed ViviCat, omg... 🥺🥺🥺

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my idea of dressing sneasels in little sailor suits has been ignored so I must illustrate it to show it's potential

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the middle initial F stands for Fortitude

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aaaaaaaaaaa ;u;

these games always know how to wring tears out of me... I am so moved by their plots

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My Youth 💜 had to do a little doodle

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there are a couple references to previous Splatoon ephemera in the Tableturf art. for example, this squid, who, with a different ink colour, was in the original announcements for the Undercover Brella

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