

..Life is too short.. Occasional Animal Mask Maker/Dancer/
Lvl 32. Forward.🚹
Open to talk/ WIP/Mood:😌
Future Focused.

フォロー数:830 フォロワー数:3962

Its only on the one setting majority was still looking like me

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Thats crazy I have a Afghan hound named Fontaine I had done some years ago and I am making a suit. Kaine and Fountaine need afghan photos(only one I have seen thus far)
Got similar aesthetics too. I LOVE fashion🤔🤔

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Halfbody for
🎨 Drawn by me
More to come!

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💵$57 halfbody bust
More to come. Have a whole folder to post.

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A couple. I did Riley one but i dont have access to my drop box atm

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Its Sabbac. To be quite frank there are many 'demonic' villains through time even in ancient stories apart from scriptures. Since the beginning they have been depicted as horned/ pointy eared individuals or straight up monsters. Many chock up evil to demons/ Devil anyway sooo..

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Help?? Does ANYONE have an idea how to achieve a gradient in silicone? I have what I need in theory even the colors BUT fearing to move forward without direction from those who succeeded in this application! (Late but will boost later. Just noticed when located full ref!)

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Many thanks! I love drawing in that style. I dont get many who request it. Dark, edgy, cell shaded looks is what I want and the freedom to do them.

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💵$57 P.A.H badge for Wuug
🎨Art By Me
*Sergals are a species created by for the universe of Vilous
More to come.

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