

RE3 Nemesis and REmake//Mortal Kombat 9//MGS3//GTAIV//Red Dead 2//Witcher 3//Twisted Metal 2//Tomb Raider (2013)//Arkham City//TWD Season 1//Mass Effect 2

フォロー数:962 フォロワー数:1089



New phone wallpaper 😍

109 594

While I could go on all day why she’s my fav, it’s ultimately her grit and determination in toppling one of the most terrifying bosses in VG history. Such an amazing arc for her. It’s a crime that Capcom never did a story about her overcoming her RE5 PTSD. Could’ve been amazing.

8 40

Why does the tag annoy some people?Excuse us for wanting to c our favorite character make an appearance in something new after a 13 year hiatus. It’s easy to tell someone to shut up and b grateful for RE n general when ur fav still has regular appearances

25 83

The best playable RE character in the entire Marvel vs Capcom franchise. Can use zombies,crows, and cerberus as projectiles! Nothing tops that 😁

8 38

Omg one shy away from 300!Considering I spend half my time criticizing this franchise,I never expected to top 10 😅 There are things I adore about RE and other parts of it that just frustrate me to no end 😅 just wanna say thanks to all the awesome-

4 23

After seeing MojoPlays ranking of every RE protagonist, I wanted to make my own. Even though this is my own personal list and I hardly speak on behalf the RE fandom....LETS PISS SOME PEOPLE OFF 🤣

5 25

Have zero interest in checking out the new Netflix series. Unless it’s a CGI set in the video game universe that features someone besides Chris and Leon.....I do not care. I’m already not considered a “true RE fan” anyway cause I get sick of seeing them constantly 😂

4 20