

Salutations. I'm an artist, and a collector of vintage video games and computers.

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Several enemies I created in the past for my side-scrolling video game mock-up, Super Maximus. I decided to redraw them since I will not be touching the game again.

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Maxy the Pincushion. A character I created for the side-scrolling video game mock-up, "Super Maximus." It was a game I developed for a while until I switched to being a cartoonist. This character means a lot to me since he was the first character I ever created.

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Introducing my new character, Mozzarella. She is a mouse swordswoman of the 1900's. Mozzarella may be tiny, but she is dominant and bloodthirsty. Despite this, she opposes evil. Also, she likes cheese. That's important.

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Sketches of a new character I'm developing. She has yet to be named. She is a mouse girl that doesn't mess around. I imagine her being a sword wielder, or a warrior of some kind. I'm still thinking... Any suggestions are welcome.

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This is something I rarely take part in.

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I will make these for each of my characters. Here's a model/expression sheet of Valentine.

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I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been very busy with college finals. I'm tired, and I'm still not finished with them yet. For the sake of updating something, here's a Roosevelt expressive drawing I drew a couple of minutes ago.

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Valentine gives you a wack and twisted thumbs up.

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