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Some people have bought too many things #online in the last year during the #lockdown The return cycle is about to begin #covidiots #pandemiclife #cartoons @AAEC_Cartoonist @cartoonistgroup @cartoonmovement #seniors
Spending time with #grandchildren during the #pandemic can be dangerous. #Covidiots #technology #TechnologyTimes #kids may be growing up with technology that doesn't mean they know what they're doing! Find your own #home! https://t.co/w16913N0Lk
#seniors are coming up with some really #nifty #ideas during the #StayAtHome #pandemiclife period #slippers #thehelpfulagent #realestate #houseexpert #home #reno #homereno #listreports #realestateagent #investment
#Seniors are getting together to decide how to handle #socialmedia #Twitter #facebook #instagram ...and when great minds get together wonderful things can happen. #covidiots #pandemiclife
I won...I won...I won...I won...I won...I won and I finally created the #swamp of my dreams. I will be moving in 29 days! #TrumpIsACompleteFailure #swampking #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #kickhimout #NeverTrump
As we all #StayAtHome more and more this is happening in many #households When are #foreign product makers going to give us #tech instructions we can understand!! #ComputerServices #TV #computer #seniors #covidiots #pandemiclife https://t.co/w16913N0Lk
#TrueStory I saw a man walking his #dog in the neighborhood talking on his #cellphone. A #squirrel suddenly ran in front of them causing the #dog to take off leaving the owner on the ground so frustrated he threw his phone at the little critter. Hence this #cartoon @rolliwrites
One of the many #pandemic decisions that need to be made while #StayAtHome protocols are in process #whiplash is one of the ailments #tech users are experiencing #covidiots #pandemiclife @rolliwrites @cartoonmovement @cartoonistgroup #comicstrip
Have you gone too far with crazy #pandemic induced ideas? Some people have. It's all the #tech we have at our fingertips. Everyone wants to be a #star How many @Chrisley_USA do we really need? #covidiots #pandemiclife #cartoonart @cartoonistgroup @AAEC_Cartoonist @cartoonmovement
It really nice that #families are sticking together during the #pandemic The time you get to spend with them is priceless. #covidiots #PandemicParenting #pandemiclife #Covid_19 #grandpa #grandma #grandparents #kidsbook https://t.co/w16913N0Lk