Ardyn (/Indigo❄️☥ (さんのプロフィール画像

Ardyn (/Indigo❄️☥ (さんのイラストまとめ

AD of @Robinidigo. 27. Null switch dragon, big on hypno kinks. Bi. Sometime vents. NSFW. Artist. Late replier. Friend to ya. He/It. Property of @ArcticUrsine

フォロー数:1151 フォロワー数:5523

Using Indigo for a change, but if you would prefer to use Ardyn, I don't mind!

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"Be my Valentine. That's not a question, it's a command and you will be so much happier to obey~"

Take your pick. Indigo or Ardyn, who would you rather submit yourself to? Why not lose yourself in their gaze and let them mould you as they see fit~?

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Oh heck, been meaning to post this.

Why don't you come here and give a nice grope to frost corrupted Ardyn's huge bulge? I'm sure he won't corrupt you into an obedient null bulged frost drone yourself~ Or, maybe that's what you want? Come here~

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You can't zonk a zonker, especially one so welcoming and comforting! It's all in his nature

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Seeing as this is how the set up typically is I suppose I should join in for

Choose your superior to worship and submit your mind to. Hurry, or they'll both take you, which is also a valid option~

Need to do new art of Ardyn sometime, got plenty of ideas~

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