

fuck elon

フォロー数:1375 フォロワー数:27120

duskull is a round lad whom i love

993 3562

hmm nope no thank you banette

577 2337

you ever go so hard on a drawing of a bug corpse pokemon it ends up looking like the ancient vessel of a deity whose divine essence, once released, would scorch the earth that it might be reborn pure and unspoiled by the hands of man? haha yeah me neither

anyway here's shedinja

1742 5198

he's just a little boy :(

526 2334

how kind of them to design mismagius, a cat-witch-ghost pokemon, specifically for me, lexxy, a cat and witch and ghost liker,

1090 3767

hey there demons it's me, ya boi

i finished this one early because i got excited about gengar, i'm sure you all understand

1251 4014

in an absolutely shocking and unprecedented turn of events, i have drawn haunter for day two

1038 4334

making no promises and taking no requests, but there are more than 31 ghost type pokemon sooo welcome to ghostober i guess!

7130 32206

and mini-print packs, of course~

73 229

it's not exactly a but i just finished this reimagining of the first piece of artwork i exhibited with at my first gencon 10 years ago! 2009 vs 2019

714 5194