

🎲 Host of Late Night Luck Check
💗 Zelda Speedrunner
🦀 Digital Hermit
🏆 Lv 29 Sage

フォロー数:446 フォロワー数:2586

tfw you sniff that first butt...

8 84

Breath of the Wild: Awesome
Vtubing: Awesome
Debut Stream: Awesome to the max

Thanks everyone for the stellar support for the debut stream, trying new things is exciting. More chill BotW to come later this week!

6 43

Tune in next week for when I start my fresh Breath of the Wild Playthrough as Dogboy Anime Jesus! [VT]

1 34

Fact: Bulbasaur is This is non-negotiable

5 44



40 269

Sorting my taxes doesn't scare me nearly as much as sorting my meme folder...

2 17

I've got a crazy awesome draw for initial villagers too

1 25

My twitter feed right now

16 58