

32 ♡ Queer ♡ Sagittarius ♡ She/They ♡ Icon: by Lazytrain ♡ Header: @larianstudios ♡ 🔞 ♡ Warcraft and Overwatch obsessed! ♡ My Time at Sandrock obsessed! ♡

フォロー数:1142 フォロワー数:101

I got my boi Oraestus and the mean old man Reloralis (not my art, but people I commissioned)

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I love how you drew my girl! I'd love for you to draw my pretty girl Skou <3

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You can draw my Skou beau if you desire! Be safe!

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My girl Vyniste! Her ingame self doesn't reflect how shes suppose to look since theres no half-elf option (but I'll include her in-game self for the spirit of the give away!)

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Cardemi and her "void elf" son Alibare. Just felt like doodling some sketchy fluff of the little monster being calmed by her hug.

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Purchased the beautiful monk girl from And I HAD to draw her, my little gorl is SO cute! Even gave her a name, Vyniste~

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My high elf Cardemi, shes so nervous cuz her guild is new job is funny of silver foxes lol

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