Licorize♡_ *(5k)🥥🥉さんのプロフィール画像

Licorize♡_ *(5k)🥥🥉さんのイラストまとめ

Loser maid by day, & asocial butt; plus always 100% doing your mom~
No TWs & polS
♡:vidya, nights, cook'n, anime, horror
×:ppl, heat, noise, sunlight

フォロー数:1450 フォロワー数:461

Everybody dies, I see no problem with pointing something relating to it... frkn flakies :V

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I mean right? .. Its just words and meanings.... change them at will on whims on the name of being progressive? Sure why not, its just language, just how we communicate and share information... not really a thing signaling how much a brain works or rather doesnt; Potatoes

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Its funny that most of the ppl upset by these are neither.
Its like the frkn "LATINX" bs; when they go & get offended IN PLACE of the actual individuals that Could get mad, but dont rly care.
Ppl using these "slurs" either are joking Or identify w/them in most cases... geezus fk.

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Bcz humanity inherently Sucks at its core; but not All the time
I wished to be left alone, but there's always an asshat that's gonna mess w/your life, knowingly or not
Now I wish for ppl to burn (Though I don't hurt others on purpose! By principle)
Ironic past 2~years am I rite?

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Some things, like This arrogant psychopathic gal bitch, NEED TO FKN BURN.
>This is why nobody can have nice things

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Huh... today I was just wondering "how does someone end up so dead inside?" ...and that I ran out of rum.
WELP at least I can fix one of those! :V

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Eh, not trying to be a frkn bitchy downer there;
I should've said "Humanity's capacity for cruelty is despicable"
My only advice on this topic: take your breaks, dont regard your mental health as granted.
Think of it as a resource.
& EVAC the hell out before you get burnt out.

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What in the actual frkn fucks did I just read

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