

I draw (?) | 20+ | Hello Charlotte, N+C, Adelta, Erased | occasional horror, medical nonsense and nsfw🔞| not spoilers free

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:338

I couldn't concentrate on studying so here some lazy Dazai doodles feat. Instagram filters

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Can't believe I missed this poor boy's birthday... happy belated b-day, Akutagawa~!

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[RT appreciated]
Pre-orders for Chuuya and Dazai acrylic charms are now available at

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Harukawa 35's art is a blessing

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Finally got some time around to sketch for a little bit... Beato is always the best choice for practice doodles~

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I should be sleeping instead of doodling randomly again...

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It's almost midnight and I see no difference

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