

Ker (she/her) . 30 yr old plus size Jewish lady redneck . Aspirant Writer & Voice Actor. I play World of Warcraft on Wyrmrest Accord US.…

フォロー数:402 フォロワー数:221

hey can anyone help me locate the picrew that my icon is from? I didn't save it and I've been trying to find it again lol

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(this was sadly missing some of my big faves but I made do)

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feral child with one pet gizka

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I wish there was a chunkier option for female blood elf models but thankfully I have a lot of chunky plate armor to make them look less skinny lmao

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this is inspired by another artist here on the twitters that also did a tweak to the Dracthyr model (can't find the post/user tho sorry) but the OG is on the left, my /slight/ tweaksare on the right. I added weight to the neck/thighs/forearms and made the head a little bigger

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sometimes I think about the best character I've ever made

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is there anything more powerful than warlock fashion

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Also this specific Pikachu TCG art

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