

F-Zero Lore Expert (Snaky Lore/Machine Lore Investigator),
Devout Megaman Fan, Wolfenstein Zealot (Pre-Machine Games)

フォロー数:109 フォロワー数:89

Can someone help me find the GENIUS who made this?

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Every Envoy of Justice needs a Bride of Righteousness


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You know...with Layer getting so much heat lately...might was well take this time to share the most BIZARRE ship I've ever seen in the Megaman Fandom...

Anyone Know the artist?

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Finally, an X she can work with...

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Red: He was Yondu-a leader of outlaws who adopted a pistol wielding son who ran from him. He was unique antagonist as vigilante, a former Repliforce member (thus the MH sins coming back to haunt them) and brought Cold War vibes to the lore.

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Red: He was Yondu-a leader of outlaws who adopted a pistol wielding son who ran from him. He was unique antagonist as vigilante, a former Repliforce member (thus the MH sins coming back to haunt them) and brought Cold War vibes to the lore.

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Forgive me if this has been noted, but do you think Videl's headband was meant to represent "Devil's horns," especially since she's the daughter of Mr. Satan? Nice touch.

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Dynamo is the X-Series' most evil man. He did its worst atrocity without remorse. He's just having fun doing his job. No one knows he crashed Eurasia, allowed Gate's uprising, and created the need for Red Alert.

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If Alia goes Maverick, we're all screwed. She's the head navigator for MHHQ, knows ALL MH procedures, is a genius, can hack anything, sabotage reploids in cruel and usual ways, leak information to mavericks CONT BELOW

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