Lift Up A Bannerさんのプロフィール画像

Lift Up A Bannerさんのイラストまとめ

Planting the seeds of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - Check out the website for free eBooks, lessons, videos, and more. All Free, no ads, no donations, no phooey

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This is an image that is typically inside of LDS meetinghouses worldwide. Explain to me what this is exactly, anyone? Hmm... YT

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We are going to play a game of Where's Waldo or Hide & Seek. I want you to look at this image and tell me what you see. Tomorrow, I will post the original image from whence it came. Any observation is welcome...

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On the day of the crucifixion Jesus took the place for the son of the father, was crucified at the place of the skull -b- a repentant & unrepentant person. We are a kingdom divided. We are an angel & a demon. We all took part of the insurrection in Heaven! YT

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Did you know the says, "They that are in the flesh (a human being) cannot please God," unless the Spirit of God dwells within you? If you're not born again, & converted, what are you? A superhuman angel/demon! Know the truth YT

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"From the sixth (6) hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth (9) hour.” Why is the Church an upside down cross w/a keyhole? Why is a DEAD SHEEP upside down the virgin? WATCH... via

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"From the sixth (6) hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth (9) hour.” "Surely YOUR turning of things UPSIDE DOWN shall be esteemed as the Potter's clay" Why are images DEAD SHEEP when turned UPSIDE DOWN? YT

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"From the sixth hour (6) there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour (9).” "Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are doomed! They carry out their schemes in secret...THEY turn everything UPSIDE DOWN" YT

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Why does Michelangelo's painting at the Sistine Chapel have an angel holding a suit of skin? Why is it the same as a perfume, a Scion commercial, & so many other images? Because it is TRUE. YT Watch...

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The Google Doodle today. Only the mystery of everything. Gain your spiritual eyes. YouTube Watch the playlist...

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What happens when you turn a "dove" upside down? It becomes the all seeing eye. 100% True and quite perplexing. "Know ye not that ye are gods (H430 Angels)... BUT ye shall DIE like men & FALL like one of the princes (that had rule). YT

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