라카라카2222(Laka)💙 (리카 Lika였음)さんのプロフィール画像

라카라카2222(Laka)💙 (리카 Lika였음)さんのイラストまとめ

I'm Laka!(Lika), drawing fanarts!
and I want to communicate with other artists about drawing!
feel free to DM me anytime :D
(can speak KR,EN,JP, FR, and German)

フォロー数:180 フォロワー数:1094

먼가먼가 그려야지 생각만 하다가 타이밍을 놓친것 같은데... 너무 예쁘게 변해버렸다... 뒷북 그림각?!

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New fanart for
I got ideas by watching stream and drew it !
Thank you for good streaming!

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Thank you!! ㅠㅠ I just drew the doodle watching your stream but I didn't know it can get so much attention!

and this is real fanart for you!

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파스텔 톤이라 2차 명암 안하려고 했는데 넣으니까 너무 잘 어울려서 수정...

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여기서 진척이 안된다
어떻게 해야 채색이 잘되지 하면서 고민만 하는중....

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새로운 러끼님 캐릭터 팬아트!
채색법은 파계님께서 그려주신 공식 캐릭터 가이드를 따라 채색했습니다.

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Fanart for and another version
recently, I do study English by Leafions twitch videos !
I really want to appreciate that making good videos!

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